Is looking for an experience tortoise home where she will have plenty of space inside, she doesn’t really like to go outside unless its very sunny and doesn’t like to hibernate. She’s very sweet but very lazy.
Tortoises should eat a very varied diet of weeds and flowers with calcium supplement to remain fit and healthy. Safe foods include plantains, dandelion, clover, sow-thistle, catsear, honeysuckle, lavatera, sedums, pansies and violas. Remember, ‘treat’ food such as lettuce (except lamb’s lettuce) and cucumber should be fed in moderation as it contains no nutrients, only water. Junk foods to avoid include vegetables, fruit and processed food.
The floor of the accommodation should be covered with 3-4inch deep top soil (tortoise approved).
Provide a shelter, perhaps a tunnel or flower pot. Ensure heated areas remain simple to reduce the possibility of your tortoise overturning in heat. The substrate should be sprayed or watered regularly to keep healthy humidity levels and prevent breathing problems due to dust.
Reptiles need UVA/UVB lighting to absorb the calcium in their diet. This light should be left on for 10-12 hours in the day, and the bulbs will need replacing regularly as the UV output decreases with use.
Tortoises should have access to solid sided, escape-proof outdoor accommodation whenever the weather is suitable, ideally with access to edible weeds and flowers to graze. Choose a sunny area in the garden so the tortoise can benefit from vital natural UV sunshine.
All outdoor accommodation should be predator-proof.