Artemist and Stardust

Our longest stayers Stardust & Artemist are still looking for their new home after over 560 days with us.

They are sisters aged 5 years old and are indoor cats. They are very unsure of human interaction due a rough start as kittens. Artemist does allow staff to tickle her on her head and will often greet staff at food time by rubbing up against scratch posts and vibrating her tail in excitement. Stardust is more timid and will hide away most of the time, we feel in the right home with an owner that doesn’t mind cats who aren’t lap cats they will come out of their shells a bit more.

They are unable to live with children and dogs, we feel they may be ok to live with a quiet male cat as this may help their confidence but careful and slow introductions would need to be done as they haven’t lived with cats before.

Artemist is on life long medication for wobble knee caps.