
We have set up a fundraising page to help us through these troubling times. 

Current Appeals

This page lets you know about some of the appeals we currently have here at Woodside. 

You are able to donate towards the current projects below. These are all done to improve or continue to help the animals in our care. We will continually look to improve our standards and meet the growing needs of the animals.

Alternatively, you can donate towards our overall work by clicking on the donate button on our home page. 

 Shopping List

We are often in need of items and you can help us with for our day to day running. This can be anything from specialised food to cleaning supplies, enrichment items to items that support the local environment. These can be dropped to the sanctuary or any of our charity shops.

The items we can always use include:

heavy duty bin liners

anti bac cleaners

aa batteries

2nd class stamps

felix or whiskers tinned cat food

fish flavoured dry dog food

non-bio washing powder

tinned tuna, frozen chicken (that doesn’t require cooking just defrosting)

washing up liquid

kong toys

fresh fruit and vegetables

potato based dry dog food.


You can also purchase these items via our Amazon Wishlist or purchase similar elsewhere. 




 We are currently raising funds to purchase an onsite defibrillator for use by the sanctuary and wider community.

Due to our isolated location on the outskirts of Plympton, we hope to raise nearly £2,200 to purchase and install the potentially life-saving piece of equipment for our volunteers, visitors and staff.

The defibrillator will be positioned on the exterior wall of the sanctuary, ensuring the thousands of visitors who walk, run and ride through nearby Cann Woods also have access to the equipment.

Sanctuary manager Lisa Darcy said that while animals remained the charity’s priority, the welfare of its visitors, volunteers, staff and the wider community was of utmost importance.

“The animals have always been our priority and while they always will be, being located a little way out of Plymouth means it is important for us to have this potentially life-saving piece of equipment onsite,” she said. “Having a defibrillator means that if someone were to suffer a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) onsite or nearby, they would have a much greater chance of survival.”

We are working with the charity AEDdonate on the appeal to purchase the defibrillator which, in cases of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, could increase a patient’s chance of survival by upwards of 80 per cent if used within the first three minutes.

“We have so many visitors and volunteers and hold so many events onsite,” Lisa added. “In addition, there are the large numbers of visitors to the area around Woodside. This just seems like the right thing to do.”

To support the appeal, please visit Woodside Sanctuary Defibrillator – AEDdonate

Keep Woodside Warm this Winter

With the cost of energy sadly rocketting, and the number of animals needing our support and care either temporarily or as permanent residents still high, we have a lot of furry and feathered friends to keep warm.

Last year the bill was over five thousand and it is expected to be much higher this year.

If you are able to offer financial support you can donate via *

SMS donations * :
To donate £1, text HEAT2223 to 70201
To donate £3, text HEAT2223 to 70331
To donate £5, text HEAT2223 to 70970
To donate £10, text HEAT2223 to 70191
* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see